Lucky Charm Clover EPP Templates - How to tips and tricks


The Lucky Charm Clover EPP Templates have started to pop up and I thought it would be nice to have this video of some tips and tricks for best results to follow along with! 

If you have any questions, you can always reach me at [email protected]

Oh and if you've made some, I'd love to see! Please share with the hashtag #LuckyCharmClover ! :) 

Here are a few little tips and tricks for those of you who are playing with the Lucky Charm Clover EPP Templates!

If you'd like to make some too, the templates are available in the shop.🍀🍀🍀

I’ve included a fussy cutting/tracing template with each pack that says “Center” on one of the sides. Use it to match up your paper templates in the right direction so that you don’t end up with too many templates just facing one way. (personal experience here…hehe)

Place the template with the words facing up to trace on fabric for one side and then flip the paper so you don’t see the word and trace on fabric for the second side.

Cut out your fabric pieces and place your paper templates to glue baste them in place.

Start glue basting the same seam allowance side so that your tails face in one direction. On the left piece, glue baset the right side, and repeat on the right piece.

Next glue baste the left side on the left piece and repeat on the right piece. See how your tails face the same way? Yay!!

This way when all your pieces are sewn together they’ll next into each other and lay nice and flat.

Moving onto the curved part! Fold the fabric over and smooth it down as you do so from the outside edge in towards the center. This way you’ll feel the creases along the curved fold line and you can push down any excess fabric that isn’t shaped correctly around the curve.

Tada! Easy peasy and now you just need three more sets for a Lucky Charm Clover !! :)

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