Crowning Star SAL Week 5 Replay + Recap

Crowning Star Sewalong Week 6 replay

It's Week 5 of the Crowning Star Sewalong! 

This week we're making the setting triangles and half triangles! 

One thing you want to pay close attention to is to mirror the half triangles

Just split the half triangles in half and follow along with the instructions in the video below! 

I also talked about how you can decide where you want your Triangle Star blocks to go on your quilt, and basting directions for the Half Crowning Star blocks. :) 

It helps to have the coloring page on hand if you want to play around with where to place your Triangle Star blocks. 

If you don't have the coloring page yet, which shows this layout, then go ahead and sign up for the Crowning Star sewalong and one will be sent to your email for you to print and have fun with! 

Click here to join the sewalong.

Next week we'll be assembling our rows! Woohooo! 

Happy Sewing! 

New to the Crowning Star Sewalong? 

Sign up HERE to get updates and notifications along with the coloring page delivered to your inbox!

Did you know you can get papers for individual blocks? This way you can sample the Crowning Star before committing to a full sized quilt..or if you're a fan of mug rugs like me, then a block or two might just be what you want! Check out the Crowning Star options in the shop HERE

Looking for fabric bundles? Check out the blog post:


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