Lucy Boston Sew Along Week 1

Let's jump into the Lucy Boston block sew along! 

We just started with getting the center honeycombs basted this week and here is the video: 

If you'd like a transcript, please send me a message HERE.


The Lucy Boston shapes (honeycombs and squares) are super beginner friendly since they do not have any tails that you need to fiddle with when getting started with English Paper Piecing! 

For this block shape you've also got the option to use the irregular shaped edge pieces, but it's not a requirement. 

To get a copy of the coloring page I shared on the live, please sign up HERE.

You're welcome to join the fun at any time and can use your own stash of honeycombs and square paper pieces or get some from our shop here: 

You'll find paper pieces and acrylic templates for the following sizes in the shop: 






If you prefer PDF templates and/or SVG file templates, they're available in my online shop here: 

(please note this is on my own website and not on Etsy)

We're sharing progress updates, photos and more tips and tricks inside my free community HERE.

Come join us today if you're not in there already! 

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