Lucy Boston Sew Along Week 3

Alright! Let's sew the honeycombs and squares together from the four units that were supposed to be basted for today! 
If you didn't have a chance to do that yet, or just basted enough pieces for one unit, that's totally fine! 

Good thing about these honecycombs and squares is that they're beginner friendly and you can't really go wrong! 

Only thing is that you have to give it a try if you're new to EPP and just get used to bending and folding the papers as you start to sew them together. 

Remember, bend or fold your papers, don't try to twist your hands or angle your wrists in an odd position to sew your pieces together. That will lead to pulled muscles, tendons, straining your shoulder muscles and basically, no fun! We don't want to feel sore after a sewing session. (let's leave that for the gym!)

Homework for next week:

Baste the remaining 4 corner units with 12 honeycombs and 12 squares (not 16 🤣) if you dont' have the edge pieces, and if you DO have the edge pieces, please follow the instructions in the video above! 

Update on the edge pieces!
If you already have honeycombs and squares in your stash, you can now just grab the edge pieces and acrylic templates in the shop! 

Look under the EPP blocks section here:

Available in the following sizes: 

  • 1"
  • 1.25"
  • 1.50"
  • 1.75"
  • 2"

It will say EDGE TEMPLATES on the Lucy Boston paper piece packs and acrylic templates that don't include honeycombs and squares. 

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